Remember self-support

Uncategorized Nov 29, 2020

I want to talk about self-support because it is always an important topic. Do you remember the announcement they make in the aeroplane: in the moment of emergency first, put the oxygen mask to yourself and then to your child. Why is this? If you are not putting the oxygen mask first on your face, you are not either able to take care of the child.

I want to pay attention, especially to our thoughts and emotions:

How are your thoughts supporting you? Is your relationship to your emotions, supporting your wellbeing?

As an example, I tell you my own story from this morning and how my thoughts were not at all supportive and self-caring soon as I had got up and how I started questioning my thoughts and my emotions when I realized what I was doing to myself: I was about to ruin my whole day.

So, I woke up this morning, not having supportive thoughts at all. I didn't sleep well, had some nightmares and my tiny puppy peed on the rug first thing in the morning when I got up.

So my first...

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Uncategorized Sep 30, 2020

How do you know if you are in a career crisis?

When you are in a career crisis, you feel that your old job does not fit you anymore. Probably your work is consuming too much of your energy. Maybe you think that your opinions are not valuable. You may feel you have so much to give, but you are not able to give in your current job. It can also happen that you get tired of fulfilling others' dreams. If you have something inside that is yearning to come to the surface, now is the time to act.

First of all: get clear about your situation at the moment.

What is the real problem? Sometimes it might not be the one that it appears to be. If possible, get a second pair of eyes to get clarity on your matter, because alone we only see one perspective. Professional coach brings in questions and their observations. They bring their experience and support. So, I recommend using help in getting clarity. That helps you to get to the core of the problem.

The second thing is to get clear where you...

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Let nothing dim the light that shines from within

Uncategorized Sep 04, 2020

Hello dear friend,

I'm going to talk today about two cases where clearing their own self-sabotage and clearing own blocks allowed people to really open to their excellence skills and really let them shine at work. 

The first example is about my friend Kate who had some difficulties at work, and after clearing her blocks her whole experience about her work environment changed, and also her colleagues' attitude towards her changed. 

Kate has always been a hard working woman. She is really talented, really bright and, able to think in large scale. So, she was in a new workplace and she was experiencing some odd behavior from her superiors and some of her colleagues. People were playing nasty games behind her back. For example a very compolicated project which she was responsible of and which she had managed to complete in a superb way, was just given to someone else without any notice, without even asking her opinion. 

This was not the first time on her working...

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Feeling Energized

Uncategorized Aug 24, 2020

Hey, how are you?
I hope you're doing really well, that you've had good summer holidays and
you're ready to start your autumn inspired and energized. And congratulations
if you are feeling inspired and energized - you are like my friend Lena. She's almost always like that! She just told me just a few weeks ago that when her kids were small and she was planning the coming autumn - all the things that needed to fit into the family calendar, she was inspired and exited about the planning process. 
She didn't worry how she would manage to schedule everything, she was inspired and excited to find the solution that would make everyone in the
family happy, and where she'd have time to do her own important things.

You might be feeling, ”Autumn approaching feels great, my work feels great,” yet at the same you have uneasy feeling inside. You feel something is not really
matching, and if so, I encourage you to do a little energy balance check -

Have a look at the different areas of...

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You Got It!

Uncategorized Aug 07, 2020

Hello and welcome.

I have a guest today with me. May I introduce my tiny puppy Rosa. I wanted you to meet my puppy today because I'm going to talk about her as well. And I'm going to talk about how to move from striving to receiving.

We are very often used to the mindset that we should try a little bit more, we should learn a little bit more. We should be a little bit more: we should be thinner, thicker, taller, shorter, brighter. We should be educated in this instead of that, we should be always something else than... And there we go. We try to fill in the holes, we try to accomplish what we are lacking, we try to fit the mold. Point is that we all do already have everything inside of us we need.

We all do have our excellence code inside of us.

We have all that it takes to lead an excellent life that feels good. It might be different to each one of us individually. We all do have excellent skills inside. We just could let our skills support us more. We have succeeded a million...

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Stone in Your Shoe

Uncategorized Jul 14, 2020

Hello and welcome. I'm going to talk about how to benefit your excellence code, your excellence skills in situations where there is a problem, where you experience a stone in your shoe. So how to benefit your excellence skills in this situation. I'm going to talk about six topics here, firstly, how important it is to really be clear where you are at the moment, to really make analysis of your current situation, and then also how important it is to be clear where you want to be. Secondly, I'm going to talk about choosing from your existing excellence skills, your strengths, your master skills, your excellence skills, choosing from your existing skills, the one that can help you in your current situation.

Don't worry, you got it. You have experiences that can help you anywhere, in any situation you are facing. And then, when you have chosen from your existing skills, remember that skill, bringing back into your conscious memory, your skill split second, by split second, by split...

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Natural Rhythm

Uncategorized Jul 06, 2020

Hello and welcome. I'm in Finnish Lapland right now, and I really wanted to bring you to the woods, I really wanted to bring you to the naturally flowing waters, the crystal-clear clean nature and air. So I hope you can get an idea of this place even if you can't touch it or smell it, or feel it.

I'm sorry, the light is not the best for the video, but for nature, it definitely is today, because the sun is shining. And actually at this time of year the sun is shining all the time. It's called Midnight Sun, and it's pretty amazing, you know, even in the middle of the night, the sun doesn't go down at all, it just stays above these trees. I was filming it the other night at one o'clock and I think that that was the lowest point that it got to, staying above the trees, and then it started to get up again! So really, really amazing.

What I wanted to talk about today is our natural rhythm. Each one of us, we have our natural rhythm, our body rhythm, our system rhythm. And you know, it's...

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Emotional Detox

Uncategorized Jun 24, 2020

Hello! I want to talk about emotional detox symptoms again. This is one of my favorite topics, but you know, it so often goes hand in hand with opening to our excellences, or opening to a new level, or widening our perspective, when we are up-leveling.

A dear friend and colleague of mine was participating in my Monday Energy Transmission System, which is free by the way, to anyone. Straight after the session she sent me a message, and she said, "Wow, what an opening! What kinds of insights I got! I'm in a totally different place now. I just feel a huge amount of love. Suddenly everything is so clear to me!"

Obviously, to the questions that she had had before the session, she got insights, she got answers to those questions, and got her feet back. It was so amazing that I called her the next day. And I was asking, "Hey, what happened? How are you?" And she goes like, "Oh my God, I feel so terrible. I feel totally, totally awful here!" And I'm like, "Okay..." And then I'm saying,...

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Why? When? What?

Uncategorized Jun 10, 2020

Hello and welcome. Today I have a few words about why anyone should be interested in The Excellence Code - the existing strengths, master skills, and excellent skills inside of us?

Well, first of all, the fact is that we are consciously aware of only 5% of our daily activities, and 95% of the time we are walking and being active on autopilot. That means that we don't pay attention. We don't consciously pay attention to what we do, but our autonomic system is really taking care of our functions.

In that 95%, there really is a lot to discover. That's one reason. And here, I want to mention a book that was written in 2013. The name of the book is Quiet and it was written by Susan Cain. And in this book, Susan Cain describes the world of introvert people. And it's a known fact that in society being an introvert is not always seen, or is not seen as a good quality. 

I mean being silent, being shy, being quiet, being serious are not necessarily seen as good qualities in general. So...

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Our 95-5 awareness - discovering the key to fulfillment

Uncategorized Jun 09, 2020

Hello and welcome. Hey, I want to talk about two things today. The first thing is our personal qualities and how we really can make our living on our personal qualities in future jobs, and the jobs we have today, too. And the second thing is how little we are aware of our personal qualities.

Some time ago, something really made me stop and realise this. What was it? Well, I was reading a social media site where people were describing their jobs, what they do for a living, how much time they are ACTUALLY living, et cetera. There was one person who was describing what they had been doing for few years already. They had been earning more, whilst really living more than ever before. And now I'm really burrowing their words, they said, "The best thing, the most amazing thing, is that I am making my living just by being myself. Just being me." And I think it's really fascinating.

And it's a sign that yes, we are in the future that we were predicting at the beginning of this century. We...

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